Commonwealth Residential Living, LLC
We provide high-quality residential group homes and comprehensive support for individuals with developmental disabilities and dual diagnoses. Our mission is to empower individuals to thrive in a home environment and actively participate as valued members of their community. We are dedicated to helping each person achieve their personal goals and attain the quality of life they desire. By focusing on uncovering and nurturing the "untapped potential" within every individual, we aim to foster growth, independence, and fulfillment.
Our Philos​ophy
Commonwealth Residential Living, LLC is based on the va​lues that everyone deserves and needs to belong, to be loved, to be treated with dignity and respect, to be self-directing, and to be recognized for their inherent value as a unique person. Another guiding value is the right of persons with disabilities to be a part of the community, with the same opportunities, responsibilities, and quality of life as available to all citizens. Commonwealth Residential Living, LLC uses a person-centered approach in the provision of services. The overall goal of service is to promote acceptance in the normal life of the community in which the individual resides through social integration and participation in community opportunities. Training activities produce outcomes for the individual and skills are integrated to appropriate environments. The program's aim is to train, teach, and prepare each adult with the knowledge and skills to help them achieve their goals. Training is based on the results of clinical assessments and personal goals.